OceanSITES is an international system of long-term, open-ocean reference stations measuring dozens of variables and monitoring the full depth of the ocean from air-sea interactions down to the seafloor. It is a network of timeseries observations that fill a unique role by measuring many aspects of the ocean's surface and water column, and where possible, through advanced sensors and telecommunications systems, yield a long-term record of high resolution data, often in real-time.
NOAA National Weather Service National Weather Service. Warm in the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest. Mild, warm and above average temperatures are expected the next several days in the northern Plains and Upper Midwest. NDBC Seaglider SG601 has been recovered after a successful mission! SG601 provided temperature and salinity profile data in the northern Gulf of Mexico in support of hurricane intensity forecasts. SG601 was deployed for 86 days, covered 1790 km, performed 448 dives, and sent 877 individual profiles. You can check collection schedules for your recycling, waste and glass collections by inputting your details below. Please complete the fields below until your address appears in the drop down box; then select your address to show collection details and your calendar. Purpose of the NDBC. Established on September 8, 1927, the Congress is the parent and supervising Duckpin Bowling organization in the United States. It represents the Duckpin Bowlers. The Congress carries out the following responsibilities: Lane Inspection and Certification; Individual Membership and League Registration.
Observations cover meteorology, physical oceanography, transport of water, biogeochemistry, and parameters relevant to the carbon cycle, ocean acidification, the ecosystem, and geophysics. Operational applications include the detection of events, initialization and validation of assimilation products, and reference data for forecasts. OceanSITES is an integral part of the Global Ocean Observing System. The network complements satellite imagery and other in-situ observation data by extending the dimensions of time and depth.
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For more information visit OceanSITES Project Office or access the NetCDF Data Files at its Global Data Assembly Center (GDAC). Also see the THREDDS statistics and FTP statistics at NDBC.