William Hill My Account
- William Hill My Account Password
- William Hill Plus My Account
- William Hill Suspended My Account
- William Hill My Account Sign In
- William Hill My Account Sign Up
If you are looking to delete your William Hill account we can assist on the process, showing how to do this in a quick and efficient way.
William Hill is a registered I.B.A.S bookmaker. For customers outside of Great Britain, this website is operated by William Hill Global PLC, a company registered in Malta with registration number C96298 and registered office at William Hill Global PLC, Tagliaferro Business Centre. Your account has been recovered. Continue to William Hill (5)5). Should you wish to close your William Hill account you may do so while being logged in. There are two ways of closing your account with us. Take a break - You may close your account for a short period of time between 1-30 days and once the time has passed you may log in to your William Hill account again. My Account Payments Deposits Withdrawals Prepaid Cards. William Hill Sports Book uses cookies to help improve your experience whilst visiting our site, help us with fraud prevention and to fulfil our legal and regulatory obligations.
Many online gamblers look to close, cancel or even deactivate their online accounts for a number of reasons. Bookmakers such as William Hill make this simple as they have a great commitment to their customers and strong ethos on responsible gambling.
Our guide will show you how to cancel or even deactivate your account with William Hill Bookmakers, whichever you are looking to do. As you close your William Hill PLC account you can request to be permanently self-excluded or give a timeframe before being allowed to reopen any accounts, whichever works for you.
William Hill Alternatives
If the reason for closing your William Hill betting account is because of the service, odds, you are looking for better existing offers for current customers, then check out some alternatives below, otherwise, read on:
888 Racing
Coral Racing
Mr Green Racing
Unibet Racing

How To Delete William Hill Account
William Hill My Account Password
To do this, simply follow these steps:
- Step One. Go to the following URL – https://williamhill-lang.custhelp.com/app/ask
- Step Two. Enter your Email Address that is linked to the account you want to delete.
- Step Three. In the subject section, type REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT.
- Step Four. Now, in the Question Text field, enter your honest reason for requesting account deletion.
- Step Five. And finally, click on Send to submit your account deletion request.
It can take up to 72 hours before they can respond to your WilliamHill account deletion request.
So you have to be patient with them.
How To Close William Hill Account Via Dashboard
Follow these steps to close your William Hill Account via the dashboard:
William Hill Plus My Account
- Step 1. Go to the following URL – https://sports.williamhill.com/gambling_controls/account_closure?
- Step 2. Log into your William Hill Account with your login credentials to access the control panel from where you can permanently delete your account.
- Step 3. When you log into your account, simply follow the on-screen instructions to delete your account.
How To Cancel William Hill Account Via Mobile Phone
Follow these steps to cancel your William Hill account via your mobile phone:

- Go to the following URL – https://sports.williamhill.com/gambling_controls/account_closure?layout=mobile&closeButton=false&hide_header=2
- Log into your William Hill Account with your login credentials to access the control panel from where you can permanently close your account.
- When you log into your account, simply follow the on-screen instructions to delete your account.
Safer Gambling
William Hill PLC is one of the world’s market leaders in betting online, employing over 12,500 people. With headquarters in London and Leeds, it has licensed betting offices throughout the UK high streets. It has a great ethos towards safer play and gambling.
William Hill Suspended My Account
In Great Britain and Northern Ireland, William Hill PLC is one of the UK leading online casino, bingo and betting services.
Whilst most customers are able to enjoy their gambling, William Hill recognises that for a very small number of customers gambling ceases to be fun so they make ending and deactivating accounts a simple process which we think is fantastic.
William Hill My Account Sign In
If you want to close your account with William Hill follow the simple steps above and this leading UK bookmaker will action this.
William Hill My Account Sign Up
If you are struggling gambling please read our full Safer Gambling policy – please click here.